Listening Practice
First of all, it is important that you go over and revise the vocabulary linked to the topic of the audio you have chosen BEFORE you start, otherwise you will probably struggle with the 'dense' content of the recordings and it could feel quite overwhelming and demotivating.
Then again, before you start listening to the audio, download the worksheet.
Read the questions first (on page 1) and make sure you understand them - look up any unknown vocabulary and question words before you start.
Play back the audio as many times as you need. Remember, this is a learning/revision exercise, not a real test!
When you are finished or stuck, download the transcript and check your answers with the text, or finish answering the questions.
Don't forget to also complete the second page of the worksheet (which goes over the main vocabulary and grammar points from the topic), using the transcript this time.
When completely done, open the answer sheet.